Chakra Clearing and Balancing Exercise

The following exercise is based in large part on the teachings of two spiritual masters, Sylvia Brailler and Stephen Co, both of whom have been instrumental in helping me to set my foot on the Path of healing; and on the intuitions granted me by the nonphysical guide I know only as the Teacher. I give thanks and offer blessings for them and for those who taught them; and for all Ascended Masters and spiritual teachers, all of whom have directly or indirectly shared their wisdom with me. Any errors in my own teachings are due entirely to my own as yet imperfect understanding of the great Truth that has been laid before me by these masters.

This exercise is most effective in attaining and maintaining a healthy state. It is not specifically intended to be used for the treatment of particular conditions, though it may be helpful in the same way that physical exercise and good diet are helpful. In order for this exercise to be useful to those who have not previously studied the interaction of energy and health, I must explain some basic concepts of energy healing.

Before I begin, I would like to reassure the reader that it is not necessary to accept the literal truth of any of the following discussion. What is presented is a framework or metaphor for understanding the underlying relationships and principles, just as your being is a spatial expression of what is no more than a thought in the mind of that Universal creative principle some call God. As long as you perform the visualization as described below – or in whatever manner Spirit moves you – it should have the desired effect of keeping you body, mind, and spirit healthy and in harmony with the Universe. Please accept this teaching, if you choose to do so, in the spirit in which it is offered: as a blessing.

The Major Chakras

Chakras (usually pronounced “SHAH-krahs”) are energy centers in the body. They are generally visualized as located in the physical body, but in fact they belong more properly to the aetheric or energetic body. The distinction is not important for present purposes, since the physical body is just the tangible manifestation of the energetic body, and the two are inseparable during the lifetime of the physical body. The energetic body permeates and gives life to the physical, and extends some distance outside the physical body in what has been called the aura. I will refer to the physical and energetic bodies hereinafter as simply the body, since they are in fact one unified system.

The energy of life (or “prana”, also called “chi” or “ki” among other names) flows through the body along pathways called meridians, which connect at nodes throughout the body. Those nodes are the chakras. One important function of the chakras is to act as gateways through which energy enters and leaves the body. Chakras may be seen as circular, or as lotus flowers with their petals extending outward from a center. They rotate constantly around that center, sometimes rapidly and sometimes slowly. Prana flows through a chakra along the axis of rotation in accordance with the “right hand rule”, i.e., in the direction indicated by an extended right thumb when the fingers of the right hand are curled. Thus, if a chakra would be seen from outside the body as rotating in a clockwise direction, energy would be flowing into the body through that chakra. A chakra which rotates counter-clockwise similarly expels energy from the body. A healthy body is constantly absorbing clean, fresh energy from its surroundings, and expelling used or “dirty” energy to be cleansed in the Universal energy field.

The manner in which prana flows through the chakras and meridians produces physical effects in the body. In a healthy body, energy flows rapidly and freely, entering through the chakras, enlivening both the physical and aetheric aspects, cleansing by sweeping away old stale energy and replacing it with fresh, and exiting again through the chakras into the surrounding energy field (where used, stale or dirty energy is naturally cleansed and renewed). Maintaining a fresh and healthy energy within the body is essential to physical well-being. It is possible for chakras and meridians to become blocked or clogged. If this occurs, unhealthy stale energy may accumulate, and fresh healthy energy may be unable to pass through. As a result, both physical and aetheric aspects may be negatively affected.

It seems sometimes as though unhealthy energy is created within the body, or even projected into the body from diseased entities with which the body may come in contact. However, I believe that it is more correct to say that the appearance of pockets of dirty or “negative” energy is simply attributable to blockages that have existed long enough for their effects to become noticeable. In particular, there is not really such a thing as negative energy, but only the absence of clean positive energy. Similarly, “dirty” energy is just prana that has been used by the body, in the course of which it loses its vibrational purity and effectiveness until it returns to the universal field and is purified.

In any case, many schools of healing are based upon the principle that a healthy body is associated with the free and plentiful flowing of prana within. Dis-ease may be treated by a variety of methods designed to clear blockages, remove unhealthy energy, and infuse healthy energy. Many traditions identify seven major chakras. These are customarily numbered from the lowest (first) to the highest (seventh) according to the portion of the body they are associated with. The first and seventh chakras have special significance, as will be discussed. Each chakra is associated with somewhat different functions. Although there are a great many lesser chakras in the body, this discussion focuses only on the major ones.

The first (or “root” or “base”) chakra is considered to be located at the base of the spine, and to be the most important chakra to physical health. It is the lowest major chakra in an erect body, and is therefore most closely aligned with the energy of the earth and nature. It is most effective at drawing energy from the earth, and at returning used energy to the earth. Physically, it is associated with the hips, legs and feet. It is also associated most strongly with all the basic survival wants and needs of the physical aspect of the body.

The chakras also are traditionally linked to particular colors as well as to notes on the seven-tone musical scale. Since chakras are energy gateways, it is perhaps natural that they be associated with the vibrational energy of light and sound in this way. The first chakra is associated with the color red, and with the note C.

The second chakra is considered to be located at or below the navel. It is associated with the sex organs and the other organs around them. It is the center for sexual drive as well as physical creativity in general. It is one of two creativity centers, and is referred to as the “lower” creativity center simply because of its association with the lower parts of the body. Its color is orange, and its musical note is D.

The third chakra is considered to be located at the solar plexus, just below the rib cage and diaphragm. It is associated with digestion and the other organs of the upper abdomen. It is related to the individual’s role in society on a physical level, and is associated with material prosperity. Its color is yellow, and its musical note is E.

The fourth chakra is referred to as the heart chakra, although it is not considered to be located exactly in the same place as the physical heart, but in the center of the chest. Nevertheless it is the center of the body’s emotional life, and is especially associated with the emotion of love and with healing. It is associated physically with the heart, lungs, and liver, and is for that reason especially important to physical health. Occupying the central position in the chakra chain, it is almost as important to the functioning of the physical aspect as the first chakra, and almost as important to the energetic aspect as the seventh. The majority of traditions attribute to it the color green, although I have also been taught that its color is pink. Its musical note is F.

The fifth chakra is considered to be located at the base of the throat. It is the center of “higher” creativity, i.e., the creativity of the intellect and the soul. It is associated with the mouth, throat and the upper respiratory tract, as well as the thyroid and other glands and organs around it. It is particularly important to the communication of information and ideas. Its color is light blue, and its musical note is G.

The sixth chakra is considered to be located in the center of the forehead (or between the eyes), and is associated with the brain as well as the organs, glands and physical characteristics of the head from the nose up, including the eyes. In some traditions it is considered to represent the “third eye” or ajna. It is the center of intellectual energy, thought, and the mind, as well as clear perception (physically and, especially, energetically). Its color is indigo (perhaps shading to purple) and its musical note is A.

The seventh chakra is considered to be located at the crown of the head. It is associated most strongly with the soul or Spirit that gives life to the entire body. As the highest chakra in the body, it is the pathway through which highly refined spiritual energy enters the body; some might say it is the gateway to Heaven. It is most closely associated with higher spiritual practice and enlightenment. It is as important to the energetic aspect of the body as the first chakra is to the physical aspect. Its color is a pure, brilliant white, or in some traditions, electric violet. Its musical note is B.

To make matters slightly more complicated, it must be noted that the second through sixth chakras are considered to have both a front and a back aspect. Some teachers describe the front and back aspects as separate chakras. Separate or not, the aspects are closely related, and the front and back aspects are likely to be rotating at the same speed and in the same direction most of the time. The front and back aspects may have slightly different characteristics and uses. For example, the school of Pranic Healing headed by Grandmaster Choa Kok Sui teaches that it is usually safer to infuse energy through the back aspect of the heart and ajna chakras because they are not as close to the physical heart and the eyes, respectively. It should be noted that, since the front and back aspects usually rotate together, energy is being drawn into one and expelled from the other constantly. If the front aspect (viewed from the front of the body) is rotating clockwise and drawing in energy, the back aspect (viewed from the back) will be rotating counter-clockwise and expelling energy. The energy that is drawn in is not necessarily the energy that is expelled at the same time, however, since energy entering the body tends to flow along the meridians between chakras rather than passing directly from the front to the back aspect of a single chakra.

Pranic Breathing

Evidently, it is important to maintain the regular flow of healthy prana into and through the body. In order to do so, not only is a constant supply of fresh energy necessary, but the chakras and meridians must remain clear and unblocked. Introducing a steady flow of fresh energy into a system that contains blockages may actually exacerbate the health problems associated with the blockages, as the additional energy accumulates and mingles with the stale, blocked energy. Many traditions associate physical illness with energy surpluses or shortages resulting from blockages in the flow of prana or chi. Therefore, it is desirable to perform an exercise that will both clean away stale prana and replace it with fresh.

Pranic breathing, as taught by Master Stephen Co and Grandmaster Choa Kok Sui, is the basis for my daily exercise. Pranic breathing is based on the observation that the energetic effects of the breath are intensified if inhalation and exhalation are long and slow, and the breath is held for a short period in between. Pranic breathing is taught separately as a way of enhancing the general energy level in the body. I combine it with a breathing practice I learned from Sylvia Brailler to cleanse and energize the chakras.

Pranic breathing consists simply of inhaling slowly while counting to six; holding the breath for a count of three; exhaling for a count of six; holding the lungs empty for another count of three; and then repeating the cycle as many times as necessary. Several repetitions are generally enough to noticeably increase the body’s energy level. Abdominal breathing should be used; in other words, draw in breath by expanding the stomach and pushing the diaphragm downward, rather than by expanding the chest muscles. Abdominal breathing is much more efficient than chest breathing and draws a greater volume of air into the lungs.

Before proceeding to practice the exercise described below, it would be a good idea to practice pranic breathing for awhile, until the process becomes fairly automatic. There will be many things to pay attention to during the exercise without focusing too much on counting.

The Exercise

Finally, we get to the point. The breathing exercise that I perform at least once a day (preferably more) consists of performing pranic breathing repeatedly, while visualizing prana being drawn into and expelled from each chakra in turn. I cycle through the chakras at least twice (treating front and back aspects as separate chakras). On the first cycle, I visualize drawing clean prana in through each chakra on the inward breath. Rather than allowing the prana to circulate through the meridians, however, I direct the prana to swirl around the chakra and the surrounding meridians and portions of the energetic and physical bodies, sweeping away any accumulations of used or “dirty” energy. When I breathe out, the prana exits from the same chakra it entered, taking with it the dirty accumulations. This helps to prevent blockages from forming. Since it is believed that disorders of the aetheric aspect of the body precede and give rise to physical disorders, preventing energy blockages also helps prevent physical illness from arising.

On the second cycle through the chakras, I visualize energy being drawn into each chakra, gaining intensity and concentration during the three-count pause, and then being radiated throughout the body on the out-breath from the focal point of the originating chakra. The chakras actually function as energy multipliers, creating an intense burst of prana in the vibrational frequencies associated with the source chakra. The prana of each chakra thus permeates the entire physical and energetic body, mingling with the energy of the other chakras as the exercise proceeds. In this way the entire body receives the benefit of concentrated fresh prana of every frequency, and the vibrational energy of the body is balanced, with no single chakra predominating. The energy also radiates outward into the Universe, touching and invigorating other souls and the Universe itself.

This last point is important enough to deserve some additional comments. In this exercise, as in any meditation, it is important not to be too absorbed in yourself as an individual being. Even though this exercise is being offered for the purpose of maintaining your personal well-being, that purpose will be better served if you see yourself not as a self-contained packet of energy frequencies, but as a self-aware component of a Universal energy field that also includes every other being and every other object that exists. Do not merely take energy from the Universe, but also offer it back. As you invite blessings upon yourself, also invite those same blessings upon the Universe and all its constituents. Always keep foremost in your mind a feeling of gratitude for the energy which created you and which sustains you at every moment. Show this gratitude by returning to the Universe not only your used prana, but new, brightly energized prana as your contribution to the maintenance of the whole.

One final instruction. Throughout the exercise, the tip of the tongue should be curled backward and held against the roof of the mouth. This improves the connection between the major front and back meridians of the body and maximizes the flow of energy through the chakras.

Here is an example of how a session might go. Many variations are possible, based on one’s condition, state of mind, and personal preferences. I offer this only as a suggestion and guide.

Sit or lie peacefully in a comfortable position in a quiet place where distractions are at a minimum. Close your eyes. Relax your body as completely as possible. Perform a silent mental inventory of your major muscles to ensure that they are free of tension. Pay special attention to the muscles of the lower back, the neck, the face and the scalp. Be sure your eyes and tongue are relaxed. Allow your mind to settle into a peaceful, resting attitude. Allow all conscious thought to pass out of your mind without examining or reacting to it. Remain in this peaceful physical and mental state for a few minutes, breathing naturally. Be aware of each breath as it enters and leaves your body, but do not try to alter your breathing pattern in any way. Let you body breathe for you.

Curl your tongue backward and place the tip against the roof of your mouth. Begin pranic breathing in and out through your nose. Visualize the first chakra at the base of your spine rotating clockwise, drawing healthy physical energy upward from the clean, loving Mother Earth for a count of six. The energy is the rich red color of oxygenated blood. This prana circulates around the base chakra and through your legs and feet on the in-breath and during the pause before exhalation, picking up used energy, sweeping away any incipient blockages and the seeds of any physical disease, as well as any accumulated tensions due to anger or hatred that may have arisen in your body recently. All these unwanted impurities are expelled as the first chakra reverses its rotation on the outbreath, and are returned to Mother Earth where they will be cleansed. The second pause for a count of three allows them to dissipate before new energy is drawn in.

On the next breath, visualize drawing cleansing, orange energy into the front aspect of your second chakra, just below the navel. Much of this energy also is drawn from the earth, but some also comes from the air, from the sun, and from other manifestations of the Universal energy field. This energy permeates and cleanses the sex organs, kidneys, and lower intestines. Again, dirty prana is swept away, minimizing any risk of disease or malfunction in those organs and washing away any unworthy thoughts and other byproducts of creative or sexual energy. The energy swirls back into the second chakra and is expelled on the outbreath for a count of six, followed by a count of three during which air and energy are neither drawn in nor expelled.

On the third breath, visualize bright yellow energy being drawn into your rotating front solar plexus chakra for six counts. It cleanses the stomach, pancreas, spleen, and surrounding areas of the physical and aetheric body. It draws with it any dirty residue of greed, envy, cruelty, and other negative social thoughts, feelings, and interactions during the count of three. Greyish-yellow energy is expelled for six counts on the outbreath, returning to the earth, air, and water to be cleansed. Pause again for three counts.

On the fourth breath, warm green (or pink, or a mixture, as you prefer) energy surges into the front aspect of your heart chakra. Loving prana bathes your physical heart and lungs, and cleanses any traces of unkindness or unloving behavior from the aetheric heart. Your ability to connect to others on the nonverbal level of absolute love is refreshed and enhanced. On the outbreath, the waste energy is directed equally to the earth, air, and sun. Pause again. On the fifth breath, cool, pale blue prana permeates your throat, mouth, and upper chest from the front aspect of your throat chakra. Any physical effects of breathing bad air, dust or smoke are swept away, as are trapped airborne diseases along with any blockages that could impair your ability to create beautiful thoughts or feelings and to communicate them to others. Breathe out for a count of six, and pause for three more.

On the sixth breath, brilliant indigo prana swirls into your ajna chakra in the center of your forehead, clearing your psychic vision and intellect as well as cleansing your physical eyes, ears, and sinuses. Blockages that have impaired your ability to think clearly and directly are broken up. Mists that have obscured your visualization of a happy life are dissolved. Expel these clouds on the outbreath and pause again.

On the seventh breath, your connection with the pervasive Universal energy is refreshed. Brilliant white light spirals into your energetic system through the crown of your head. It surges through the central nervous system and the entire aetheric body, clearing away any residual stale energy. All your physical systems are re-energized and filled with vibrant life. You are charged with awareness at an intuitive level of your unity with all souls. Pause for a count of three and then breathe out, returning greyish used prana to the Universal field to be purified.

On the eighth through twelfth breaths, repeat this process through the sixth, fifth, fourth, third and second chakras, in that order. Visualize the prana entering and exiting the back aspect of these chakras. The physical and spiritual characteristics of the back aspects are essentially the same as the front, though to the extent organs are located closer to the back than to the front, they may be influenced more by the back aspect of the appropriate chakra. The kidneys, for example, may be more readily cleansed through the back aspect of the second chakra. You may if you choose simply focus on the same organs, emotions, and energetic influences while breathing through the back aspects as through the front; or you may choose to emphasize a different attribute of each chakra on this second visit.

This will bring you back to the first chakra, where you may choose to perform a second cleansing breath, or begin the second round of pranic breathing. At some time during the first cycle, you should begin to feel the energy of the Universe tingling and surging through your body.

The second time through the chakras, your purpose is to energize your entire physical body, your aura, and the surrounding universe with fresh, clean prana. As you draw in the breath – again for a count of six – to the first chakra, visualize bright red energy swirling into the chakra until it is concentrated; during the count of three, it becomes supercharged. On the outbreath, picture this highly vibrational prana radiating outward in all directions from the center of the chakra, penetrating and energizing the physical body, the aetheric body, and the aura. The energy reaches out and merges with the first chakra energy of other beings around you, then those at great distances, until it assimilates into the Universal Field of energy of the same frequency, uniting you at a physical level with all beings and all things.

Do the same with the front aspect of the second chakra, visualizing bright orange energy. On the outbreath, radiate creative, sexual energy through the cells and energetic pathways of your body, out into your aura, and into the Universe. Activate your creative physical connection with your surroundings and with all Creation.

Continue through the front aspects of the remaining chakras. For each, imagine the prana entering the chakra, becoming super-energized, and radiating through and beyond the body, blending and balancing with the energy of the other chakras and assimilating with Universal energy of the same color and frequency. Pay special attention to any problem areas in you body, in your life, or in the world around you that are of particular concern to you at this time, and which could benefit from energetic cleansing and balancing. Be especially aware of the seventh chakra, which is your direct connection to the life-giving eternal Spirit. Continue the cycle until you return to the first chakra, which is your equally important link to the earthy, physical feminine principle of Mother Earth. Draw her rich red prana one more time into your body, and on the exhalation share your vital energy with the entire Universe.

Conclude by relaxing your tongue and allowing your breathing to return to its normal pattern. Keep your eyes closed until they open naturally. If you have another meditation practice, you can perform it at this time.

You can perform this exercise as often as you want, whenever you have the opportunity to sit or lie quietly. If you like, you can add more cycles to the exercise. In that case, you can focus the second cycle only on healing the physical body; a third on energizing the aetheric body; and a fourth on assimilating your energy with the omnipresent energy of the Universe.

Whatever use you may make of this teaching, do so with my blessing. And so it is.
